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5th president of the Association, 2003-2005


It is customary in our Association to pay tribute to those who, as Chairman of the Board of Directors, have directed the destinies of our organization. The honorary title of Commander is conferred on them to highlight their dedication and their work to safeguard the heritage of those who bear the surname Robitaille, variations of the surname and their friends. To date there are four commanders, René de Québec, Gaston, Claire and René de Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon. Florent is therefore the fifth president to be part of this group of “wise men” whose mandate is to preserve traditions and provide support to future boards of directors.

Florent and the Association

Member since almost the beginnings of the Association, he participated in the first large gathering at the Old Port of Quebec on October 22, 1989. In 1996, he accepted to be part of the Board of Directors and he has been involved for ten years. , two as director, three as secretary, two as vice-president and three as president. And since he retired from the Association, he has been involved in various files. He was and still is a pillar of the organization.

Florent and his youth

Florent was born on September 11, 1951 in Bromptonville near Sherbrooke. Second of a family of nine children, whose parents are Gemma Daigle and William Robitaille. The family first lived on the family farm on the 4th Rang of Stoke. William had taken over a few years before his marriage on the death of Jean-Baptiste, his father. Thereafter, she moved to Windsor, Saint-Claude and finally to Compton, a small village near the American lines.

But Florent left the family nest early to learn. On the eve of his 13th birthday, he began classical studies with the Franciscans at the Séminaire Saint-Antoine de Trois-Rivières, today the campus of the Université du Québec, in Trois-Rivières. At 17, he made his debut on the job market in industrial businesses and worked in Granby, Drummondville, Sherbrooke and Ottawa.

At the age of 24, he returned to school and obtained a bachelor's degree in business administration from the Center for University Studies in Hull.

In 1978, he entered the service of the Quebec State, first in Montreal, then in Quebec since 1982.

Florent and his immediate family

It was in 1972 that Florent got married to Louise-Hélène Julien from Shawinigan-Sud. Today the couple has two children, Julien and Geneviève, and a grandson Mattéo Henry (a second grandson, William, was born on July 20).

Florent and the big family

Gemma and William's family includes nine children. Florent having left home very young, he probably suffered from a lack of family contacts in his early adolescence and developed a very strong attachment to the family thereafter over the years. He makes it his duty to transmit to the Robitailleries all the events that occur in the family. His siblings are in chronological order:

  1. The eldest Jean Noël
  2. Florent is second.
  3. Moniquea
  4. Daniel, who now lives in the Yukon
  5. Benoît
  6. Johanne
  7. Dominique
  8. Guylaine
  9. Martin

Florent and his family tree

  1. Pierre Robitaille – Marie Maufait, Québec, 1675-05-05
  2. André Robitaille – (1) Marguerite Hamel, L’Ancienne-Lorette, 1706-01-19
  3. Pierre Robitaille – Geneviève Jourdain, L’Ancienne-Lorette, 1732-01-15
  4. Jacques Robitaille – Marie Josephte Thomelette, N.D. Québec, 1767-10-20
  5. Jean-Baptiste Robitaille - Louise Lussier, St-Hyacinthe, 1800-11-24
  6. Charles Robitaille – Zoé Tétreault, St-Pie de Bagot, 1835-03-02
  7. Honoré Robitaille – Emilie Gervais, Roxton Pond, 1873-10-14
  8. Jean-Baptiste Robitaille – (2) Odélie Fredette, Bromptonville, 1915-06
  9. William Robitaille – Gemma Daigle, Stoke, 1947-08-30
  10. Florent Robitaille – Louise-Hélène Julien, Shawinigan-Sud, 1972-12-23

Florent and his horoscope

I have often worked with Florent and have collaborated in the organization of many events. I have always appreciated his positive spirit and his commitment to the Association. Obviously I could continue to send flowers, but wanting to be very objective, I consulted different horoscopes like Zodiac, Native American, Arabic, Egyptian and Celtic. But it is in the Chinese horoscope that I found interesting facts, because it is the fruit of millennia of observations. Also, you who know Florent well, you will tell me if what is said is true.

The Chinese horoscope is divided into twelve years, each represented by an animal, such as the rat, tiger, snake, dog, rooster, etc. Florent, being born on September 11, 1951, falls under the sign of the Cat. Here is what is said for people born under this sign.

The cat always lands on its feet.

As he is cautious and even a little timorous, he does not undertake anything before having thought about it for a long time, after having weighed the pros and cons for a long time. For this prudence, people admire and trust him.

Financially, he will always be happy. He is skilful in business and anyone who signs a contract with a cat cannot dream of withdrawing from it.

He is a good speculator and has a knack for spotting good opportunities. This quiet cat is a fearsome businessman.

The cat will have a calm existence during the three phases of its life, on one condition: that it never encounters an exceptional situation, a dramatic event, an insurmountable obstacle. Wars, revolutions, disasters, are not his business, he is not cut out for adversity.

The cat is gifted, ambitious without exaggeration, pleasant company, discreet, reserved, refined, and who is moreover virtuous. Everyone is aware of this, because the cat speaks well and knows how to show off.

But this deluge of qualities is not without a defect: it can be superficial. He can also be a gossip… but he is so with subtlety, tact and caution, which leads him not to explain himself willingly when he has something unpleasant to say about someone.

The cat does not get angry easily. It is calm, placid, peaceful.

The cat is conservative, traditional. He hates everything that comes to disturb his peace of mind, everything that brings him problems. He has the greatest need for comfort and security.

He therefore deserves to be sung Gilles Vigneault's song "It's your turn, my dear Florent, to...".


We must thank Florent for his work, his dedication and his attachment to the Association. Florent was an example of efficiency for us and will remain a model to follow for all members of the Robitaille Family Association.

Thanks to Florent for all the services rendered to the Association.

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