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Nicole, president from 2006 to 2009

At the Association des familles Robitaille inc., a commander is a person who has served as president and who has left his mark through his achievements. This person must also undergo a transition period called ex-presidency of at least one year during which he attends meetings of the Board without the right to vote. This allows him to complete certain projects and especially to sponsor the work of the estate.

At the end of her year as ex-president, we are pleased to induct Nicole into the group of commanders. But since Nicole is passionate about volunteering, we thought that in addition to paying tribute to her for her work within the Association, we had to talk about her contribution to other organizations to fully understand the great qualities of this woman. of action and honor.

Robitaille Families Association Inc.

First, let's talk about his journey in our Association. It was in 2002 that she learned in a paragraph from the newspaper Le Soleil that there was an annual meeting of the Association in Drummondville. She goes there and gets noticed by her questions and comments. I remember the remarks of people who said: “This one, we have to embark on the Board of Directors”. This was done in 2003 by becoming an administrator. In 2004 and 2005, she was the secretary of the Association. During the exercise of this function, she participated in the 150th anniversary of L'Épiphanie in 2004 and at the vernissage of the portrait of a former mayor of Quebec, Dr. Olivier Robitaille.

In 2006, she became president, a position she held brilliantly for three years.

Here is a summary of the projects she initiated and brought to fruition, sometimes with the help of the members she was able to channel, in addition, of course, to regular administrative work.

In 2006, she:

  • Participates in the Salon des familles stems at Carrefour Laval
  • Organizes the visit of the General Hospital of Quebec where Sister Gilberte Robitaille lives
  • Participates in a FFSQ colloquium in Trois-Rivières.

In 2007, she:

  • Shares the tradition of brunch in red on Valentine's Day at the Restaurant Au petit coin Breton
  • Plans the publication of a book of the first 50 Les Robitailleries bulletins
  • Organize a team to help create the genealogical dictionary
  • Organizes the gathering and the annual meeting in Sherbrooke
  • Organize a gourmet meal at the Vignoble Le Royarnois.

In 2008, she:

  • Organizes the second tradition rouge brunch at the Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb in Charlesbourg
  • Organizes the annual meeting and the visit of the Aquarium of Québec
  • Organize a chore to flower our monument
  • Prepares the festivities for two major celebrations, the 20th anniversary of the Association and the 400th anniversary of the founding of Québec City
  • Make the program for these parties:
    • August 7, 2008: mass at L'Ancienne-Lorette and guided tour of the church, stop at Parc Chaumonot, meal at the Québec Inn, meeting at Parc Robitaille for the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in homage to the wives of the first Robitaille arrivals and the planting of an oak tree.
    • August 8, 2008: gala dinner at the Hôtel Plaza under the honorary presidency of Michel Robitaille in recognition of the founding pioneers and contemporary heroes.

In 2009, she:

  • Organizes a third brunch in red at the Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb in Charlesbourg and takes the opportunity to pay tribute to the centenarian Antonia Robitaille-Veilleux
  • Organizes the spring meeting and the annual assembly at the Auberge Baker in Château-Richer
  • Plans the Revision of the general regulations of the Association
  • Sets in motion the Restructuring of the Association by determining more clearly the Mission of the Association as well as the computer means of communication between the Association and its customers

It is certain that Nicole will tell us that without the others to help her the projects would not have been carried out. True, but with her they came into existence and by pushing on everyone they were realized. One would think that with all this volunteer work, Nicole does not have time to do anything else. I asked for comments from a few people from other organizations where I knew she had worked. Here are their comments that speak volumes about the scope, diversity and effectiveness of his work.

Québec Genealogical Society

The following comments were provided by André G. Bélanger, President of the Quebec Genealogy Society.

Here is some information about Nicole Robitaille at the Quebec Genealogy Society. Nicole became a member of the SGQ on February 15, 1999. She joined the committee of the magazine l'Ancêtre as a volunteer and became the magazine's coordinator. Her artistic spirit, which characterizes her well, is put to the test. She designs the layout, acts as an amateur graphic designer. She succeeds well in the work that is asked of her, she is a resourceful person who does not count her steps and her time. If unfortunately an error has slipped in somewhere... she can't sleep and agonizes for a long time until she confesses, it's forgiven!

Then she became Publicist of the SGQ. Under the responsibility of the Board of Directors, she performs various representations, notably in the Parliament of Quebec, at formal receptions, etc. We are assured that things will be very well done with quality and good taste. At no time will it jeopardize the SGQ. She is involved in the organization of symposiums, collaborates in setting up information booths at the Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France, at the Salons of the founding families and others of the same nature. His artistic sense is still put to use. She has an eye for dressing a kiosk, particularly in terms of the choices and layout of posters. Endowed with an extraordinary interpersonal skills, she explains what the SGQ is and convinces the interlocutors to become members. Her contacts and her friendliness mean that she is always sought after to make the most of marketing activities. At the International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences in 2008 she was in charge of protocol and decoration with another volunteer. The order and precision of the proceedings of the congress made the event a great success and of high quality. She always has a hidden map to find what is missing in the realization and her contacts are very useful to her. He is a person you need to have in your team for his spirit of sharing and his very endearing interpersonal relationships.

The magazine L'Ancêtre

We also asked Jacques Olivier, editor-in-chief of the review L'Ancêtre, for his comments, which were corroborated by Jacques Fortin, director of the Review.

Mrs. Nicole Robitaille was a volunteer at the Quebec Genealogy Society from 2000 to 2012. All these years, she was part of the committee of the magazine L'Ancêtre. For the past 6 years, she has also been responsible for public relations for the SGQ.

For the magazine L'Ancêtre, Ms. Robitaille has arrived at an important moment in relaunching the content and the cover page. Nicole, as publishing coordinator from 2000 to 2005, was essential to the continuity on the one hand, then to the training of the people currently in post: Diane Gaudet in publishing, and the undersigned, in writing of the journal.
Nicole is a person full of qualities, tact but firmness, sound judgment and her opinions are sought. She has immense organizational and leadership skills, and is not afraid to get down to business. Nicole's talents were revealed to us particularly during the International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences, held in Quebec in June 2008. Nicole was responsible for the protocol there. She was able to guarantee the success of this international congress, of which the SGQ was the prime contractor, and which welcomed more than 800 people, including around a hundred distinguished guests.

The Knights of Columbus

Our secretary Micheline Dussault, who works with Nicole in the organization of many social activities, describes her as follows:

Nicole was the president of the Women's Committee of the Knights of Columbus of the Assembly Archbishop Mathieu (AGAM) of Charlesbourg for 4 years, or 2 terms (from 2006-2010). She organized there with her executive (about 6 people) all the social activities: monthly conferences/activities, thematic dinners (Valentine's Day), restaurant meals, research on the Filles du Roy, trip to the Charlevoix casino. Also, she helps the Sires Knights during special evenings: evening of Vows, enthronement of new Sires, annual provincial congress and pilgrimage to Ste-Anne where her husband André was on guard with mine and several others (60 from various districts ).

Charlesbourg Lions Club

Founded in 1967, the Charlesbourg Lions Club's mission is to help the Charlesbourg community through monetary interventions with the poor, disabled or isolated. Since 1967, the men and women who make up the Charlesbourg Lions Club have donated to community works or help individuals for an amount that exceeds $1,250,000.

Nicole was president of the Charlesbourg Lions Club in 2010 and 2011 and organized many activities to cement relationships between members. To raise charitable funds, she has managed the most spectacular activity in the past three years, that of organizing a Mini-Salon of Wines, Spirits and Local Food at the Patro Charlesbourg. Political figures are invited to these meetings and up to 500 people attend. Ms. Jacqueline Michaud, former president of the Lions Club of Charlesbourg, told me that Nicole was very involved in everything she did and that she demonstrated a lot of interpersonal skills to carry out her projects.


As you can see, Nicole has a wide variety of experiences and skills and is passionate about the files for which she is responsible. She quickly gets involved in any new project, meticulously follows up on her files, has an extensive network of contacts and is always looking for a practical solution to a problem.

The Association is proud to count her among its members and to have had her as president for three years. In witness whereof and in recognition of her dedication, we are pleased to induct her as Commander of the Association des familles Robitaille inc.


Rene Robitaille, President
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